
Has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness from a complete stranger?  Something that just put a smile on your face for the rest of the day. 
 I have encountered a few pleasant people at restaurants who have given me a drink for free and lately it seems that people are really into giving Katie free things. A few weeks ago we were out at lunch when the gentleman who owned this restaurant decided he wanted to give Katie a free cookie of her choice,  a huge sticker and a fake tattoo.  We put the tattoo on her arm before we left and they snapped a few pictures of her cuteness.
She is by far the cutest advertising I have ever seen. Lol.

All that being said, the other day I was driving home and decided while Katie was asleep in the back,  I would sneek by the Starbucks drive thru. Randomly, as I was driving I thought "I should pay for the person behind me." Well, now I'm like "Ok God, was that from you? Should I pay for whoever drives up behind me?" I decided I would. Plus it was April fools day and so I figured it would be nice to surprise someone with something happy and when the employee says "that woman payed for your drink" they would think, " yeah right,  April fools." But no, really I did.  Lol -in hopes that it would totally make their day. 
Any who,  as I was pulling into the drive thru I noticed that their intercom was broken and you had to order, pay and receive your drinks all through the same window. There was no way I could really pay for the person behind me. So, I figured ok Lord,  next time.  (Heads up for anyone who wants to be behind me next time I head to Starbucks. Lol.)

I was unable to spread some stranger kindness yesterday but I look forward to doing it soon.
I really enjoy it when people you don't know or wouldn't necessarily expect to be kind and generous, are exactly that.  
Let me know if you have ever done a random act of kindness for someone or if they have for you. 
How did it change your outlook on the day? 


Enjoy some of my babes beauty.
These are from different days obvi (look at the shirts)
but none the less, she looks fabulous.

She fell asleep with her head still in the upright position.
Too cute.
(yes, she that is a balloon string, she loves her balloons and one must always travel with us.)

Happy happy hump day!

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