
Funny Friday

It's Friday guys!
You know what that means, time to laugh!
& get ready for weekend activities.

Haha, this one is too funny. & once again, if you guys haven't seen the Lego movie yet, you totally should.

so true right?

Haha, this one explains itself. (literally)

Did you enjoy a good laugh?
Any gut busters?
Trust me, when I go through these at 11pm, I am crying with laughter at every one of them.
I hope you all are off to have one fantastic weekend!
I am patiently waiting as these Colorado days heat up more and more.
Slowly but surely.
I'm thinking a good pool visit will be in our weekend agenda.
What's on your list?


  1. Those were awesome! I found the lego man especially funny. Hehe he!

    1. The lego one has to be one of my favorites. ;)

      Have a great weekend!

  2. The bed with the arm creeping out from under the covers. Yep.

    I also for a while slept with my hands up from my chest so that if an intruder came in, he'd think I'd already been stabbed. #psychokid

    1. Yes! And I am the same way with my feet. I mean, I don't want some moster reaching up, grabbing me and pulling me into the dark abyss that is under ths bed. Lol!

      And your pretend murder scene is too funny! Hahahahaa.. I can so picture it and just how funny it probably looked.
      Maybe this would be a good idea to carry into adulthood. Lol
