
Weekend Recap: More birthday fun

I know, I know, I know.
I didn't post a Funny Friday last week.
But, I will be bringing double the trouble (of funny that is) this Friday.

This weekend I had a nice little birthday party planned for Troy.
We went out for breakfast to the Crackle Barrel first thing Saturday morning, and then I sent him off to go Golfing.
He and a few buddies went to Fossil Trace Golf Course in Golden, CO.
It is a beautiful place. They did all 18 holes are finished up around 4pm.

During this time, Katie and I went on a little mommy daughter lunch date to our favorite place.
Chick-fil-a of course. ;)

Then we went to DQ and bought a delicious looking ice cream cake, and ran home to put it in the freezer ASAP.
You wouldn't believe me if I said on Saturday It was 70 degrees and then now, Sunday, It has been a high of 30 all day and snowing. Boo, no fun.
Katie and I then ventured to the party store to pick up some balloons to make the party snazzy! lol.
We had the get together with some friends and family at an amazing Pizzeria.
We spent about 3 hours or so just eating some deliciously good pizza and the DQ cake.
look at this delicious beauty.

I was so glad that I  could bless my man with a nice day & a nice evening.
He deserves it.
Don't be surprised to hear about more birthday fun, this Wednesday is Troy's actual birthday and I am taking him out for a yummy meal, and then the following Wednesday, he is going to the

Switchfoot concert!!!
Y'all, Switchfoot is a big name in this house.
They sing our life basically. lol

More pictures of our beautiful weekend.

If you follow me on instagram, you know I got some yummy goodness this weekend.

A red ball is serious fun!

How was your weekend?


  1. Confession: At first I thought his cake said "Tairt-tee" and I was like....that makes no sense. Yikesabee.

    Looks like an awesome weekend!! Pizza, ice cream cake, Starbucks, and CFA? Sounds like a Courtney dream weekend to me!

    1. Haha, Tairt eh? well... that works too I guess. lol

      It was a great weekend. Now, if the weather can just start staying decently nice every weekend.
      that would be nice.
