
Motherhood is hard

As a matter of fact, parenthood is plain hard. Whether you're a mother or a father, being a parent is rough. Don't get me wrong, being a parent is one of the greatest gifts and joys that life has to offer but this is not that blog post. No, this is the blog post about how crazy life gets when your name is mom, mother, mama or mommy. 
Raise your hand fellow mother if you have ever felt completely defeated. Raise your hand if you have ever felt at a loss in the midst of this journey. Raise your hand if you've ever cried in your bathroom while your children are crying and hanging onto your every limb while you pray your weary heart out. Is that last one just me? surly it can't be.

Plain & Simple.
I am currently adjusting to being a parent of two kids and while it has been amazing it has also been extremely rough. I know many of you have more than two children and probably think I'm joking when I say two kids is hard work but to me, in this current stage of my life, it is hard work. Most of our days seem to be pretty smooth sailing until daddy leaves the house. That's when all H-E double hockey sticks seem to break loose. Katie is extremely attached to Troy right now ever since Ella has been born. Honestly once summer break started and Troy has been home more, their bond has strengthened beyond anything I imagined it would, in such a short time. I love watching them develop their father daughter relationship. The only downfall to this is the scenario when Katie is unable to survive without daddy being near her every 5 minutes. She really loses her cool when he is away and with work starting back up, I'm not sure how she is going to do.
 I'm not sure how any of us will survive really. 
Thank you Lord that Ella is a very easy going baby so far. Though lately she gets really bad spouts of gas pain that cause her to cry and scream which makes it really hard for me to do anything other then hold her. I feel so bad for both my girls as they cry. One is crying because of emotional pain as her daddy is at work and I know she misses him terribly (trust me sister, so do I) and the other because she physically isn't feeling up to snuff.
Sometimes, in all the chaos and confusion, I feel lost.
I feel like I have no idea why God has entrusted me with these two tiny people.
 I feel so unworthy and not up to par.
 I feel more than ever before, my need to call upon the Lord and give him every part of my life.
I feel the burden of my self restricting thoughts being taken off.
I feel Him whisper gently that I am more than enough and I have my two daughters for reason and He will continue to carry me though this season.
 I feel a peace that is beyond my understanding just like He promises us in His word.
So, motherhood is capital H.A.R.D
 It's messy, tiring, trying, confusing, frustrating and heartbreaking at times. It's ok to admit that, you're normal and you're not alone.
So now fellow mothers instead of raising your hands I ask you to raise your voices in prayer. Pray for me and my strength to raise my two girls in a God fearing manner and for restoration to my soul. I vow to do the same for every one of you.
And because I know you need it just like I do, here's a hug.

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