
A picture journey

I have to get better at this 
whole blogging thing.
To kick start that idea, here are some pictures of
how our life has been going.

Winter time.
0 degrees here in CO somedays. YIKES!

Sick cuddles with Mr.Bear

Visiting Daddy at work

Fun at the park. It was expected to be the last warm day in a while

Katie got an Anywhere Chair from PBK for Christmas this year.
Such a Score on black friday.

Look at those eyes. My babe.
Having her first sugar cookie! Eating Frosty the Snowman.
Decorating the tree with us. Gorgeous.

A little Sunday school fun. Christmas play practice.

She Also may have had her
And is now  currently 13 months old

Happy Birthday to Katie!

Birthday Lunch at Chick-fil-a.
Chicken nuggets yeah?!

 We had a PINK party to celebrate

I love the way she looks at me.
Mommy Daughter moment.

We are looking forward to 2014.
I will post before than though.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes she sure did! She loves it so much and I probably love it 10x more. lol.


  2. Her eyes, she is a beauty!!!! :)

