
9 months!

Yes, I am a big girl now.

Hurray! More room for me to stretch! 

I can not believe that my daughter is 9 months old. She will be 10 months (did i just say that?) this coming Thursday. The last post I did was when she was 6 months and holy moly does she look itty bitty. Too cute. A lot has happened since then so allow me to update you. Enjoy the pictures.

This summer we were able to attend two glamorous weddings. One was a little closer to home and Katie enjoyed spending time with some well known friends of hers.
The next wedding was further away in Keystone, CO. This by far is the  biggest trip we have taken with the little munchkin. She did a pretty phenomenal job.  Once we arrived at our beautiful room, Katie was more then ready to take a nap on the HUGE bed.

The next evening we attended the wedding and had a fun time at the reception, Troy and I were able to dance for the first time since our little love came along and  I absolutely loved it!
Katie gave us a monster scare though when her left eye decided to turn red and swell up! As her mom I took full liberty to freak out and call the on-call nurse at Children's. Thankfully she calmed my nerves and helped me remember that a few minutes before hand, she had rubbed Spit-up into that exact eye. No big deal, and after a little while it cleared itself up. I adore this picture of her looking at daddy like " what is going on with my eye man?"

Daddy, why is my eye all funky at the party?

That night we took off on an hour trip to Vail, CO. Even though it was a long car ride and Katie flipped out only minutes away from the condo...in the end.... we got there. =)

Vail, CO was so pretty. Can't you smell the crisp, fresh air in this picture?

We had such a relaxing time and came back refreshed. Katie slept the whole way home! It was AMAZING!
Since then, Katie has turned 9 months old before our very eyes, and now is speeding up to 10! She has taken a liking to Cheerios  and eating huge big-girl pieces of banana. I almost cried! Ha.
She also tried her very first tiny bite of chicken from Chick-fil-a. Hmm....that gives me a good excuse to go there more often. ;)
Well, a woman can try right?

Smile, you're on mommy's camera

Wow, Jesus has installed a massive amount of beauty
in this girl.

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